Table of Contents
Exploring the Effectiveness of Technology Integration Professional Development Models in K-12 Settings
Kathryn Nieves, Doctoral Student, Education Technology Leadership Program, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ
The increase in the presence of educational technology in classrooms has led to the need for more professional development. However, there have been discrepancies in the type of learning opportunities that should be afforded to teachers to assist in the technology integration process. Through the decades of research on the subject, seven elements have emerged as the ideal characteristics for the design of effective professional development. The purpose of this study is to analyze technology integration professional development models within the context of these seven elements. The eight studies chosen were based in K- 12 education in the United States from 2015 to 2019. The findings showed that each of these studies contained at least three elements of effective professional development, with modeling, reflecting, and feedback being the least frequently integrated. This review of the literature confirms the need for more examination of various technology integration professional development models in K-12 education.
Flipped Classroom
Mina Gerges, Technology Facilitator
The Flipped classroom is an innovative pedagogy where lectures are recorded and viewed via technology where lectures are recorded and viewed via technology for homework and students work on assignments and projects during class time by implementing the ideas they learned from their homework. The benefit of the flipped classroom it increases teacher’s abilities to differentiate instruction also students can quickly view video and watch another video for extension activities while students struggling with the content can pause and replay videos until they understand the concept. The purpose of this professional development is to help a teacher know how he/she can use the flipped classroom as an effective instructional strategy in K-5 education. By the end of this professional training teachers are going to gain the skills to utilize a variety of technology tools that they could use to teach in the flipped classroom.